Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Waste not, want not. Getting a second harvest out of store bought celery!

Morning y'all, and Happy New Year, man I've been up since 4am!! Really, I never wake up this early, but good thing I have my coffee in hand to keep me going through the day!

 Been a couple weeks since I've been on but I've been busy between work and my personal prepping at home and my new Facebook page, have a checked it out yet? Prepper Nicki's Nook. The page has really taken off and I love my followers so much on there, I just love the community I have growing on there.

Anyway's today I will be showing you how to re harvest that celery you bought from the store! Don't throw away that butt end! No, stop that right now and get you a glass of water to put it in... like so
Celery in the middle, yea.. that one.. do that!! As a couple days go by you can see those outer layers, those are gonna have to go, but not just yet, you wanna let some new growth begin before you start pulling off those outer layers.

Watch how fast this is growing for me, indoors, on my bakers rack, as we speak!!

 I was very surprised myself at how fast this took off for me, before this it was headed for the compost!!
You can see in the new few images how I have started to remove those outer layers as the new growth begins to come in strong.

On day 5 I put it into some potting soil, water just does not have enough nutrients for the stalks to grow up tall and thick. Make sure you water your new plant I have not had an issue with warmth or light so far and I live in Western Washington, right now we aren't getting much sun and the rain is constant, but like I said, this is an experiment I am doing indoors.
Day 7 and I have removed all of those extra outer layers and look at how beautiful and well this is growing!!

Today is day 8... and look at the significant growth from day to day!! WOW!! I will be doing daily blog updates on this to show you how my progress is going and any adjustments I would advice!!  Till the next update y'all!!!

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