Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Prepping the right way!!

Hello readers!!!
   First of all I would like to introduce myself. My name is Nicole, I'm a sweet southern girl who happens to be living in the great northwest! I am a stay home mother of three beautiful babies, 4 days out of the week I also watch a little boy who is just tons of fun and is my son's bestest friend in the whole wide world.
   This blog will take you through my steps to become a successful prepper, to be prepared for the worst when it hits. To become a more frugal human being in my way of life and to teach my children the value of the little things in life. 
 With our economy sinking more and more every single day, my goal is to go back to a more simple style of life, a HEALTHIER style of life.
  Let me ask all you readers a question? If we had a crisis and there was no more water, no more power, if you were trapped in your home for weeks, what would you do? Exactly, most of you don't know. It isn't to be taken lightly, a crisis could happen at any point, and no I am not talking about the zombie apocalypse either.

  Within this blog I will add DIY projects, prepping projects, recipes healthy and some that I just love!! All ins and outs and odds and ends!!

Please!! Join me in my journey to prepardness and SELF reliance!!!! You are also more then welcome to follow me over at Pinterest

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