Monday, February 18, 2013

Trash to Treasure. Benefits of Coffee Grounds

For those of you who don't know. I am from the great state of Washington. What do you think of when you think of Seattle? Coffee?? Uh huh! hahaha.. well yes I do drink lots and lots and LOTS of coffee. So, why put those coffee grounds into the trash when they are so beneficial to your garden bed?  Don't drink coffee? No problem, just visit your local/favorite coffee shop and I bet you they are more then willing to share those rich grounds with you as well!!

Benefits of coffee grounds:
  • Worms LOVE to feed on coffee grounds and we all know that worms aerate the soil for us, bring on the worms :)
  • Cheap and easy to come by
  • Coffee is a great source for Nitrogen, Calcium and Magnesium, which are extremely beneficial to your vegetable garden. 
  • More tolerable to deal with then manure 
  • Coffee is also a natural slug and snail killer... just spritz the ground with some day old coffee and keep them nasty buggers out of the garden!  

So before you throw out those old coffee grounds STOP no no no.. not in the name of love, and it's not hammer time either! Don't toss em, save em. I place mine in an old butter tub, It doesn't take but about a week for mine to fill.. I also crush up my eggshells and mix them together for a wonderful fertilizer! 


  1. Great post! I love your new layout here!

    1. I like the layout much better too.. I'm learning as I go! It's so much fun! :)

    2. Do you just mix them in the soil then?

    3. yes, I just mix it in with your regular garden soil as you would manure! :)
